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Signs of Mold Growth in Long Beach

Mold removal

Mold 101

If you have been informed that your property requires mold remediation after a storm or water damage, then you might have questions about this common problem. Mold can grow almost everywhere and can come in different types, textures, shapes, and colors. Known as the most common type of fungi, mold spores can germinate in many areas of the house with moisture. If left unnoticed, it can lead to infestation that will require mold removal services. Because mold can damage your home and cause serious health effects, mold remediation must be done as soon as possible.

Damage to Structure of Property

Many people are aware that mold causes structural damage to property aside from its health issues. This is the reason why you need mold testing service. Professional mold removal companies can provide mold testing to determine the extent of the problem.

Mold can cause damage to almost everything that it came to contact. Therefore, allowing mold to grow in your furniture and clothing as well as other items inside your house means you are allowing them to disappear. When mold grows, your entire house and well as your family’s health are compromised. By getting mold removal services, you can reduce the damages mold can bring to your home.

Signs of Mold Growth

While large visible clusters of molds are uncommon inside your home, you can still see small dots of mold can be spotted. They can appear like dirt at first glance, but you will know they are mold when you know the signs of infestation. Keeping your home clean is the best way to prevent mold from growing on visible surfaces. If you noticed the recurrence of firth on the same surface, you might want to take a closer look and see if it is mold.

Water and moisture damage are the most common signs of mold growth. In many cases as mall leak or drip of water in the basement is enough to produce mold growth. Moisture trapped in window panes, walls, floors, ceilings, plumbing, roofing can cause mold growth too. Once you noticed signs of water damage, look for mold growth as well. Mold removal companies recommend water damage restoration after a mold remediation procedure to prevent recurrence.

Another mold growth symptom is the sudden change in your health. Molds release hazardous chemicals that pollute the indoor air that you and your family breathe. As a result, it causes severe respiratory issues. Mold health symptoms include severing sneezing, chronic coughing, nasal and eye irritation, skin rashes, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and asthmatic attacks.

Tip Top Restoration company can help you with mold removal. We can also identify moisture and relative humidity issues, so that the source of the problem is resolved which will eliminate the chance of future growth, and perform thermal imaging tests to spot hidden and unforeseen issues. We will do that all for you! So all what you need is to call us!

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