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Bleach for Mold Remediation in Pasadena

Mold removal

Mold remediation is a topic that most people do not want to talk about. If mold is on the discussion, it is more likely that they have mold problems at home and this can be both costly and dangerous. If you recently discover that your home is infested with molds, you’re probably in desperate need of help and wondering if you can do the mold remediation yourself or to hire a mold removal company.

If you know that affected area is too small, you can decide to do it by yourself and probably wondering what kind of cleaner solutions or chemicals to use. Below are mold remediation tips for you.

Bleach is not the primary solution to getting rid of molds.

The first chemical that comes into the mind of homeowners when they think of cleaning up mold is bleach. Chlorine bleach is the most commonly used by homeowners in removing and stopping the growth of molds. While bleach can be effective in small mold removal jobs, it is not 100% effective in cleaning porous surfaces and can have negative effects on a few mold problems. There may reasons why you should not use bleach in mold removal and other ways you can choose to get rid of your mold problem at home.

Loss of effectiveness Over Time

A chlorine-based bleach loss in effectiveness over time. If you leave the chlorine and water mold cleaning solution on the counter for a few days, the chlorine evaporates. It is the same even if you use an airtight container. This evaporation process is a sign that it is hard to obtain true potency of chlorine as it evaporates even in plastic containers. The cleaning solution you bought may be sitting on the shelf for some time now, and its effectiveness has diminished.

So, if you do not know how old the bleach was, your mold remediation solution may not be effective at all. You may be creating a bigger mess than what you already have rather than getting rid of mold in your home.

Bleach can contribute to mold growth and does not remove mold from porous surfaces.

If you are reading the label on the bottle, you will know that bleach is not intended for non-porous surfaces. It only means that a chlorine-based bleach can remove the surface and not the roots. Since mold can grow deeper roots on porous surfaces such as drywall and wood, bleach is not 100% effective in mold remediation. Its water component can feed mold and mildew growth. So, when you want to eradicate mold, bleach is not the correct solution. Bleach can be deceiving, too. You may think that you have removed the mold, but it will reappear just a few days after the mold remediation.

If you suspect you have mold in your home, hiring an expert for an inspection is always a good idea. Tip Top Restoration company is one of the top companies for mold removal. And we are proud of our reputation. We can help you 24/7!

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